Defining Health - Building H

We are interested in reimagining the routines of everyday life – how we eat, sleep, live, get from place to place, socialize, and entertain ourselves – with health and wellbeing as explicit design goals.

We live in an era characterized by the steadily growing prevalence of chronic diseases that are closely connected with lifestyles, or people’s everyday behaviors. These behaviors, however, occur in contexts — the built environment that surrounds us, the products and services we buy and use, our socioeconomic status and resources, and cultural norms.

This design project examines the broader, national trends — and opportunities — at a personal and local level in Barrio Logan, and, as such, generates insights on the possibilities and challenges.

Project partners

The reality you are invited to make friends with is that the world is full of people who are different from you. And, as a person who designs products and experiences for people, it is your job to understand their perspectives, needs, and desires in their real-life context."

- Kio Stark

The Story

“Health is increasingly challenging for many Americans and, Covid aside, most health risks now come from our lifestyles. While we know the patterns at an aggregate, statistical level, it’s so important to understand individual stories, to understand how people are perceiving and living health day-to-day. The interviews in this project are creating a more nuanced understanding, especially about the role of connection — with friends and family, with community and with cultural heritage — in supporting health.” – Steve Downs

Teams of researchers set out to understand how people are perceiving and live health day to day. Through individual stories and docu-style interviews, health was defined by the people of Barrio Logan.

This Defining Health project was made possible by the openness and willingness of the individuals you see in these portraits and video. Below each portrait are direct quotes sharing personal perspectives and insights. 

Ramel J. Wallace

Aerianah (Anah) Turnet-Vega

German Corrales


Heidi Rataj

UC San Diego Health

Eli Spencer

UC San Diego Health